Jones/Corsi: QAnon Compromised?

A few thoughts on this, if you please.

I don’t believe what Corsi and Jones are saying in this piece is true. However, the purpose of this blog is firstly and foremostly to document what is being said and let you the reader be the judge and jury of reality. I’ve never considered banning Alex’s or Jerome’s videos from this blog, nor will I. I want differing opinions on this blog – not ten different sources saying the same thing.

It should be noted, however, as this poster on Reddit points out that Alex has never been a big QAnon fan.

Why the dissent in the ranks, you may ask. Simple. There is an axiom in the professional wrestling business that the best way to make money is through the exploitation of personal issues. If Jones and Corsi continuously agreed with QAnon, it is probably their estimation that it wouldn’t hold an audience. Alex couldn’t sell all of his vitamin supplements, and Dr. Corsi would sell fewer books.

Let’s not forget that Mr. Trump (and probably QAnon as well) are readers of the The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Show weakness when there is no weakness, show dissent when there is no dissent. I would merely add to that – speak the truth whenever possible, and expose hustlers wherever they are.

My personal opinion: QAnon is alive and well. Anyone who says otherwise at this point in time is clearly being manipulative, and Alex Jones has that kind of history if you’ve ever closely studied him.

Sunday Wisdom: The Old Game Of Divide And Conquer


As we enter the first week of March in the year of our Lord of 2018, I can’t help but notice how social media sites, namely YouTube, now seem to have a vested interest in disseminating what they view as truth. They have lashed out at YouTube channels like that of Alex Jones and Dr. Jerome Corsi, giving them unwarranted demerits, or in Dr. Corsi’s case, disqualification from posting on YouTube.

If people don’t like what you say – even in America, they find ways to shut you up like a card counter in Las Vegas. New platforms will welcome Corsi and Jones with open arms, and slowly but surely their fans will follow them to these new sites. Personally, it’s my feeling that if the “giant” social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube continue to act as the thought police as in the days of Nazi Germany – perhaps we should consider boycotting THEM. Why give them deference when they give us none?

I’m also seeing trepidation in President Trump’s followers based on some actions he took this week – or is considering taking. The media continues to stir up the pot that there is dissension in the ranks between the President and his Attorney General, fellow Republicans, his staff – and so on and so forth. Personally, I’m not buying it. I think Awr Hawkins over at Breitbart has it dead on – this is a rope-a-dope strategy that would make Muhammad Ali proud. It is classic Sun Tzu to look weak at your strongest point and vice versa.

For all of the NRA supporters openly vexing that President Trump will somehow lead the charge to take away your firearms – I don’t think there is need to suffer. He didn’t get to the Presidency listening to conventional understanding. He got there because he had the people behind him and because he is not truly a Republican in as much as he is a populist. His enemies are the globalists, and they stack the deck in both political parties.

He’s not kissing goblins, ingratiating goblins, or in bed with the goblins – at least not yet, perhaps never.

Just as they try to hem in the President, they also try to hem in all of us on social media platforms. They must know on some level that each approach is ultimately flawed – and cannot work without our confederacy. Why give it to them?